Hearing Aid Prices
Loss of hearing can be caused by many different factors, including illness, infections, aging, medication and excessive noises at work. Hearing aids are battery-powered devices that help improve your hearing by making some sounds louder. However, not everyone that suffers a hearing loss can benefit from wearing them.If you want to learn more about who should use hearing aids, how they work and how much they are worth, read the sections below.
How exactly do hearing aids work?
As we mentioned before, hearing aids work with batteries and, depending on the model you choose, it can either go behind the ear, in the ear, in the hearing canal or in both.Aids typically consist of:
- a microphone to pick up the surround around you and converts the sound waves to electrical signals.
- an amplifier, where the electrical signals arrive and their power is increased.
- a receiver that receives the amplified signals and sends them into your ear.

Types of hearing aids
Today, you can find several different models of hearing aids in the U.S. These are:- Behind-the-ear aids: This model sits on the top of the ear. It has a hard plastic case connected to a plastic earmold that is custom fit for the inner portion of the outer ear. The sound comes from the plastic case, where the electronics are housed. BTE aids are generally used for those people of all ages and most types of hearing loss.
- In-the-ear (ITE) and in-the-canal (ITC) aids: they both have microphones in the earmould (it fits directly into your ear). ITCs are smaller than ITEs, although both models are mainly for people with mild to severe hearing loss, not recommended for anyone with an infection or a very small ear canal.
- Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) aids: this type of aid is placed further into your ear canal and cannot be seen unless someone looks very closely at your ear. Not recommended to anyone who suffers from ear infections, these too can help anyone with mild to moderate hearing loss.
Hearing Aid Prices
Even though hearing aid costs have lowered in the last few years, they are still very expensive. Aids can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $6,000, depending on how modern the technology they use is.However, these costs don't include just the aid itself, but consultations, the hearing test and any necessary adjustments after you start wearing it and cleanings. The warranty covers any repairs the device might need and includes a one-time replacement in case you lose it. Some providers also add in the first battery for free.
Some providers include all the costs under the total hearing aid cost (bundle) while others only charge for the hearing aid and you can buy additional services separately (unbundled).
The cost of hearing aids depend on:
- the technology the aid uses
- the features it includes
- lifespan (if it lasts for 8 years, for example, they will cost more)
However, you can finance the cost, so make sure you ask about payment facilities.
To get a hearing aid, you will need to be evaluated by an ear, nose and throat doctor (ENT), who will probably conduct a test to learn the cause of your hearing loss. You will also need an appointment with an audiologist to check the type of hearing loss you have, the cause and level of severity, and recommend a treatment.